Policies and Procedures for
Service Dog Sales
Trained and Pre-Training Reservations

But First . . .
Thank you for Requesting a Leprechaun Lane's Trained Canines Service Dog
Please be assured, we don't just train these dogs, we utilize them, too. We are sorry that you have a need for a service dog. Life with Medical or Emotional issues can be difficult. It is our sincere hope that a Service Dog will not only make your life more bearable, but will bring your a whole new sense of freedom, security, and love that you so rightly deserve.
General Understandings
The addition of a Service Dog into your life is a BIG commitment. It is NOT a miraculous, easy fix. However, the benefits of a Service Dog are Physical, Psychiatric/Emotional, but sometimes Physilogical, as well.
We encourage ALL interested parties to apply for a dog, or at least walk through the process to your comfort level.
Presentation of an application is NOT a commitment to getting/receiving a dog. However, it does help all interested partied gain an understanding of your needs and make informed decisions on how best to move forward.
For those who complete the application process, it helps us determine level of commitment and seriousness of need.
Additionally, for those who are interested, but unsure - this is the first step in helping us to answer preliminary questions before scheduling a personal interview in which we will discuss:
Specifics of the Program
Financial Commitment
Level of Need
Your Expectations
How/If a dog might fit into your life
How/If a dog might benefit you in ways you didn't anticipate
If this is the right answer/solution for your needs.
Which program would best suit you
Which Service/Work Type will best suit you
Please read on and feel free to message us with questions after completely reading through this page. If you would like to move on to the application after you finish reading, please follow the appropriate links.
We offer 3 different Program Paths,
for those who are qualified for Service Dogs:

Trained Service Dog
A Leprechaun Lane's Trained Canine Service dog, trained to perform specific tasks that will offer specific tasks and/or work. While no Dog is ever "fully trained" these dogs are Canine Good Citizens and have passed their Public Access and Task tests to start their life working with you. Placement can take up to 3 years.

Puppy with Training Comittment
Purchase a Purpose-bred, AviDog evaluated puppy and Service Dog Training Package. Choose your puppy from the start and work along with your trainer as your puppy grows. There is NO GUARANTEE that a puppy will be able to pass the Canine Good Citizen, Public Access, or Task testing; however, it is highly likely. This will be a combination of Board & Train, and at-Home training work for you and your dog. This training can take up to 3 years to complete.

Guided Self-Training
Whether you purchase a puppy or already have a dog that you think would be a good service dog for you, this option allows you to work with your dog/puppy at home and utilize both Video and In-Person guided training to make a service dog yourself. There are NO REQUIREMENTS in the USA that Service Dogs have any "formal" training. However, they do have to meet certain behavioral and task standards. This training can take 6-36 months, depending on the Dog. Dogs must complete a series of evaluations before being accepted to the Guided Self-Training Program. There are NO GUARANTEES that this training will produce a Dog that can pass the Canine Good Citizen, Public Access, or Task tests.

Our Service Types
Medical Service or Assisstance Dogs

Alert Dogs: Seizure, Allergen, Diabetic, Migraine, Psychiatric, PTSD, Heart Rate/Blood Pressure, etc.; Mobility Assistance; TBI-Related Issues; Medicine Reminders; autism Support; most ADA-Related Medical Service Assistance excluding Guide Dogs.
These dogs meet the ADA definition of Medical Service Dogs and are given public Access rights. NO dog is trained to do ALL of the aforementioned tasks, but is trained specifically to help persons with those (and other) medical issues. As a rule, Doberman Pinschers are capable of intuitive action, and demonstrate a ability to handle a multitude of jobs.
Support or
Pet Dogs

Emotional Support, Psychiatric Support, Behavior Interruption, Companionship, Competition or Sport Dogs.
Emotional support animals provide companionship, relieve loneliness, and sometimes help with depression, anxiety, and certain phobias, but do not have special training to perform tasks that assist people with disabilities. Doberman Pinschers excel in this realm because of their "velcro-like" desire to be close to or touching their humans, and their innate intuition when it comes to people's emotions.
Occupational Needs Dogs

Disease Detection; Search & Rescue or Search & Recovery; Truffle Hunters; Rat-Pest Hunting/Detection; Drug/Bomb/ESD Detection; Crisis Response; and more.
Today, dogs take on various roles, from service and therapy companions to search-and-rescue heroes. Yet, few working dogs boast jobs as distinctive as those undertaken by Dobermans. Discover the extraordinary tasks that set these loyal companions apart, showcasing their unique abilities that only these remarkable canines can master.
Facilities or Therapy Dogs
Schools/Educational; Therapists; Visitations; Hospitals; Long-Term Care/Memory Care; Physical Therapy Centers; Prisons; Courts; and more.
From working with a child who is learning to read to visiting a senior in assisted living, therapy dogs and their owners work together as a team to improve the lives of other people.r in settings such as schools, hospitals, and nursing homes. From working with a child who is learning to read to visiting a senior in assisted living, therapy dogs and their owners work together as a team to improve the lives of other people.

Inflation affects us all. From our vets and feed producers to our suppliers, and including just the cost of gas for upkeep, we are all subject to the rising cost to do business.
We do our best to hedge against long-term inflation by offering fair pricing and only adjust our rates and pricing as absolutely necessary.
Occasionally, the prices listed on a Website, Social Media listing, Flyer, Text, or any other form of communication or advertisement may be inaccurate. Please note that the prices on your signed contract are the prices we abide by. We do our best to update ALL sources of pricing at the same time, but we have been known to make a mistake or two.
Thank you for understanding.


Deposits are Non-Refundable.
A deposit reserves you the right to select a puppy or a Dog, depending on your need/desire.
A deposit reserves you a placement in the order of selection.
Receipt of deposit monies constitutes a binding contract for both parties (Seller and Buyer).
The deposit may be used for a future selection, and may be transferred once, from one dog/puppy to another.
There are ZERO exceptions to these rules.
Payments In-Full, or In-Part, are NON-Refundable.
Payments for Training and/or Payment plans for "Trained Service Dogs" are Non-Refundable. Late payments will incur a service fee and late fee, which will be applied first, before the balance due.
Payment amonts, arrangements, and fees are outlined per contract.
Payments may be made via:
Certified Check
Credit Card (Plus 15% for Credit Cards)

Visitation & Pick-Ups
Our Dogs are our Family and our Kennel is our home,
All visitations, training sessions, and final pick-ups are BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please be respectful of our dogs and our family.

Lifetime Breeder Support
Understanding, Agreement & Enrollment
BY entering your information below, you are acknowledging and agreeing to Leprechaun Lane Doberman Pinscher's policies and procedures for purchasing a dog or puppy. Further, you are agreeing to becoming a member of our community which includes, but is not limited to: emails with Pup-dates, PAW-some infomails, and DoberDork Details and Suggestions. You will be added to our mailing list for future litters and training/fun opportunities that we attend or sponsor. Finally, this page will become a permanent portion of your contract should you choose to provide a DEPOSIT for a dog or puppy. Thank you!